I have relied heavily on others' work from the Dialog Wiki while making these scripts. It is therefore understood that others can use them as they see fit - without violating any rights that the programmers of the originals have of course. The basic functionality of the large scripts was not programmed by me.
I also use a script so I can plonk with both name and address. If you use it, be aware that keyboard shortcuts with Ctrl or Alt disturbs the function. Choose a simple key.
The original is by MariaLuisa C, but it is no longer available.
Here is my simplified version (shorter, but works the same way):
Program PlonkWithAddress; // Original v0.4 24/Gennaio/2005, by MLC // Simplified by Bertel Lund Hansen feb 2006. uses Forms, StdCtrls; const plonkAction = 'AddPlonkFilter'; // If you want to plonk the subject, use: // action = 'AddSubjectPlonkFilter'; // ---------------- End of settings ---------------- var myForm: TForm; myMemo: TMemo; mail: string; leaveHeaders: boolean; Function EmptyClipboard:boolean; external 'EmptyClipboard@user32.dll stdcall'; Function OpenClipboard(hWndNewOwner: INTEGER):boolean; external 'OpenClipboard@user32.dll stdcall'; Function CloseClipboard:boolean; external 'CloseClipboard@user32.dll stdcall'; Procedure ClearClipboard; begin OpenClipboard(0); EmptyClipboard; CloseClipboard; end; Function headersAreShown: boolean; begin result:=pos('Path: ', myMemo.Lines.strings[0])<>0; end; Procedure GetMsgBody; begin ADo('ShowHeaders'); ClearClipboard; myMemo.Clear; ADo('ArticlePane'); ADo('SelectAll'); Ado('Copy'); myMemo.PasteFromClipboard; if headersAreShown then begin ADo('ShowHeaders'); if leaveHeaders then ADo('ShowHeaders'); Exit; end; leaveHeaders:=true; GetMsgBody; end; Function GetAddress: string; var i: integer; addr: string; begin addr:=''; for i:=0 to myMemo.Lines.count-2 do if Pos('From:', myMemo.lines.Strings[i])=1 then begin addr:=myMemo.lines.Strings[i]; break; end i:=Pos('<',addr); if (i>0) then result:=copy(addr,i,length(addr)) else result:=''; end; Procedure BuildContainers; begin myForm:=tForm.Create(nil); myMemo:=tMemo.Create(myForm); myMemo.Parent:=myForm; myMemo.Width:=Application.Mainform.width; end; Begin lockdisplay; try BuildContainers; leaveHeaders:=false; GetMsgBody; mail:=GetAddress; if (mail='') then myMemo.text:=' ' else myMemo.text:=' +"'+mail+'"'; myMemo.SelectAll; myMemo.CopyToClipboard; ADoLater(plonkAction); PostKey(35, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false); //end PostKey(86, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false); //Ctrl+V finally unlockdisplay; myForm.free; end; End.
I do not use this script, but I made it on request. It is a combination of two scripts, both made by MariaLuisa C (MLC). If you use it, be aware that keyboard shortcuts with Ctrl or Alt disturbs the function. Choose a simple key.
The originals are no longer available.
Program PlonkRelWithAddr; // Program PlonkRelativeWithAddress; // // PlonkWithAddress: Original v0.4 24/Gennaio/2005, by MLC // ExpireRelative : Original by MariaLuisa C (MLC) // Combined and simplified by Bertel Lund Hansen feb 2006. (* Compile only with Ctrl-F9! and choose only simple keys for shortcuts - no Ctrl or Alt. *) uses Forms, StdCtrls; // -------- Adjust settings from here: -------- const plonkAction = 'AddPlonkFilter'; // If you want to plonk the subject, use: // action = 'AddSubjectPlonkFilter'; purgeClose = false; // true: Purge and close score window automatically. // false: Leave score window open and keep cursor on the new line. // You have to purge the scorefile manually once in a while. numMonths = 1; // number of months you want the plonk lives (from the current day) // National setting: language = 'English'; (* language = 'French'; language = 'German'; language = 'Italian'; *) // -------- End of adjustments -------- var myForm: TForm; myMemo: TMemo; mail: string; purge, okay: Integer; leaveHeaders: boolean; Function EmptyClipboard:boolean; external 'EmptyClipboard@user32.dll stdcall'; Function OpenClipboard(hWndNewOwner: INTEGER):boolean; external 'OpenClipboard@user32.dll stdcall'; Function CloseClipboard:boolean; external 'CloseClipboard@user32.dll stdcall'; Procedure ClearClipboard; begin OpenClipboard(0); EmptyClipboard; CloseClipboard; end; Function headersAreShown: boolean; begin result:=pos('Path: ', myMemo.Lines.strings[0])<>0; end; Procedure GetMsgBody; begin ADo('ShowHeaders'); ClearClipboard; myMemo.Clear; ADo('ArticlePane'); ADo('SelectAll'); Ado('Copy'); myMemo.PasteFromClipboard; if headersAreShown then begin ADo('ShowHeaders'); if leaveHeaders then ADo('ShowHeaders'); Exit; end; leaveHeaders:=true; GetMsgBody; end; Function GetAddress: string; var i: integer; addr: string; begin addr:=''; for i:=0 to myMemo.Lines.count-2 do if Pos('From:', myMemo.lines.Strings[i])=1 then begin addr:=myMemo.lines.Strings[i]; break; end i:=Pos('<',addr); if (i>0) then result:=copy(addr,i,length(addr)) else result:=''; end; function ExpireAfter: string; var today, after: TDateTime; begin today:=Now; after:=IncMonth(today, numMonths); result:=' Expire:'+(FormatDateTime('yyyymmdd', after)); end; Procedure BuildContainers; begin myForm:=TForm.Create(nil); myMemo:=tMemo.Create(myForm); myMemo.Parent:=myForm; myMemo.Width:=Application.Mainform.width; end; Begin case (language) of 'English': begin purge:=80; okay:=79; end; 'French' : begin purge:=80; okay:=79; end; 'German' : begin purge:=76; okay:=79; end; 'Italian': begin purge:=67; okay:=75; end; end; lockdisplay; try BuildContainers; leaveHeaders:=false; GetMsgBody; mail:=GetAddress; if (mail='') then myMemo.text:=' '+ExpireAfter else myMemo.text:='+"'+mail+'" '+ExpireAfter; myMemo.SelectAll; myMemo.CopyToClipboard; ADoLater(plonkAction); PostKey(35, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false); // end PostKey(86, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false); // Ctrl+V if (purgeClose) then begin PostKey(purge, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false); PostKey(okay, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false); end; finally unlockdisplay; myForm.free; end; End.
Here are eight small utilities that I use. They do not require much in the line of programming skills, but they are nice to have:
With a shortcut to this program I can ignore a whole thread. This is useful if one has set up ignore to work on subthreads. My shortcut is Ctrl-I.
Program FullIgnore; Begin ADo('CollapseThread'); ADo('Ignore'); End.
Program UnIgnore; Begin ADo('CollapseThread'); ADo('Ignore'); ADo('MarkUnread'); End.
Program NextUnreadMessage; Begin ADo('SkipToNextUnreadMessage'); ADo('ArticlePane'); End.
Program PrevMsgInHistory; Begin ADo('View1'); ADo('PrevMessageInHistory'); End.
Program NextMsgInHistory; Begin ADo('View1'); ADo('NextMessageInHistory'); End.
Program CompactNoBackup; Begin ADoLater('CompactDatabase'); PostKey(75, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, true); //Alt-K PostKey(78, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, true); //Alt-N ADoLater('NewgroupPane'); End.
These next two scripts allows you to bind Ctrl-Insert and Shift-Insert to Copy and Insert. I use those a lot in Windows programs, and Dialog has not implemented them.
Program EditCopy;
Program EditInsert;
I revised a script by MLC that can save a message to a file the name of which is copied from the subject. I wanted to be able to choose any set of headers and to choose to have everything below the signature delimiter excluded.
Unfortunately it can only save one message at the time. If you have a problem with that, I have a C-program that can 'shave' the output of Dialogs own save procedure.
The original is by MariaLuisa C, but it is no longer available.
Program SaveMessage; // FileSubject v0.3 by MLC // Revision by BLH uses Forms, StdCtrls, Textfile; // ---------------- Settings ---------------- const savePath = 'F:/_Inbound/'; // write the path of the folder where you want the file to be created // notice that the last character must be a slash / singleFile = 1; // possible values: 0 or 1. // If singleFile=1 every Subject will have a single file // and every follow-up will be added to it. // if singleFile=0 every message will be saved in a different file // (Subject.txt, Subject[001].txt, Subject[002].txt,...). allHeaders = false; // all headers saved? true/false. // If false the saved headers are only picked from chosenHeaders. chosenHeaders = 'From: Subject: Date: Message-ID:'; stripSig = true; // true/false. // If true signature is stripped from the messages. // ---------------- End of settings ---------------- // You don't need to change anything else in this script. newLine = #13#10; type TNoChars = set of Char; var FileHandle, ps: integer; fileName, temp, headers, head: string; areHid: boolean; myForm: TForm; myMemo: TMemo; // ---------------- Utilities ---------------- Function EmptyClipboard: boolean; external 'EmptyClipboard@user32.dll stdcall'; Function OpenClipboard (hWndNewOwner: INTEGER):boolean; external 'OpenClipboard@user32.dll stdcall'; Function CloseClipboard: boolean; external 'CloseClipboard@user32.dll stdcall'; Procedure ClearClipboard; begin // to avoid side effects: if an empty selection must be copyed in the clipboard OpenClipboard(0); EmptyClipboard; CloseClipboard; end; Function GetMsgBody: string; begin lockdisplay; try myMemo.Clear; ClearClipboard; ADo('ArticlePane'); ADo('SelectAll'); Ado('Copy'); myMemo.PasteFromClipboard; finally unlockdisplay; end; result:=myMemo.Text; end; Function GetMsgInfo (field: string): string; var i: integer; begin for i:=0 to myMemo.Lines.count-1 do if pos(field, myMemo.Lines[i])=1 then break; if i=myMemo.Lines.count then result:='' else result:=myMemo.Lines[i]+newLine; end; Function GetMsgSubject: string; var i: integer; begin for i:=0 to myMemo.Lines.count-1 do if pos('Subject: ', myMemo.Lines[i])=1 then break; result:=copy(myMemo.Lines[i],10,length(myMemo.Lines[i])); end; Function DelSign(sSign:string; sString:string): string; begin result:=StringReplace(sString, sSign, '_', [rfReplaceAll]); end; Function removeUnwanted (s:string): string; var i: integer; unwanted: TNoChars; begin unwanted:=[':', '/', '\', '*', '|', '<', '>', '?', '"']; if copy(s,1,4)='Re: ' then s:=copy(s, 5, length(s)-1); i:=1; while (i<=length(s)) do begin if s[i] in unwanted then s:=DelSign(s[i], s) else i:=i+1; end; result:=s; end; Function uniqueFileName (var filename:string): string; var digits, ciffers: integer; digitsStr, fil: string; begin // Format: [000].txt; // length('000')=3; ciffers:=3; for digits:=0 to 999 do begin digitsStr:=IntToStr(digits); while length(digitsStr)<ciffers do digitsStr:='0'+digitsStr; fil:=filename+'['+digitsStr+'].txt'; if not FileExists(fil) then break; end; result:=fil; end; Function headersAreHidden: boolean; var i: integer; begin for i:=0 to myMemo.Lines.count-1 do begin if pos('Newsgroups: ', myMemo.Lines.strings[i])=0 then begin result:=true; exit; end; end; result:=false; end; Procedure BuildMyMemo; begin myMemo:=tMemo.Create(myForm); myMemo.parent:=myForm; myMemo.width:=Application.Mainform.width; end; // ---------------- Write the file ---------------- Procedure writeFile; var sapa: string; f: TextFile; begin sapa:=savePath; if (sapa[length(sapa)]<>'/') then begin writeln(sapa[length(sapa)-1]); Application.MessageBox('Your savePath doesn''t end with / ', 'Error !', 1); exit; end; if not DirectoryExists(savePath) then begin Application.MessageBox('Your savePath doesn''t exist!', 'Error !', 1); exit; end; fileName:=savePath+removeUnwanted(GetMsgSubject);// +'.txt' case singleFile of 1: begin myMemo.Lines.Add(StringOfChar('*', 75)+newLine); fileName:=fileName+'.txt' AssignFile(f, fileName); if fileexists(filename) then append(f) else rewrite(f); TextWrite(f, myMemo.text); CloseFile(f); end; 0: begin fileName:=uniqueFileName(fileName); FileHandle:=FileCreate(fileName); FileWrite(FileHandle, myMemo.text, length(myMemo.text)); FileClose(FileHandle); end; else Application.MessageBox('singleFile must be 0 or 1', 'Error !', 1); end; end; // ---------------- Main ---------------- Begin myForm:=TForm.Create(nil); lockdisplay; try BuildMyMemo; GetMsgBody; areHid:=headersAreHidden; if areHid then ADo('ShowHeaders'); if stripSig then ADo('SupressSignature'); GetMsgBody; if not allHeaders then begin headers:=trim(chosenHeaders); temp:=''; // Read chosen headers one at a time: while headers>'' do begin ps:=pos(':',headers); head:=trim(copy(headers,1,ps)); delete(headers,1,ps); temp:=temp+GetMsgInfo(head+' '); end; ADo('ShowHeaders'); myMemo.Text:=temp+newLine+GetMsgBody; ADo('ShowHeaders'); end; writeFile; if areHid then Ado('ShowHeaders'); if stripSig then ADo('SupressSignature'); finally unlockdisplay; myForm.free; end; End.
This is the script that produces a list of the user functions for Ado, but the output is not very well formatted.
Program ListADoCommands; // A text file with all the actions and your existing scripts const filename = 'D:\Dialog\RawListOfCommands.txt'; //write your path and a filename of your choice var myString: string; list: TStringList; Begin list := TStringList.Create(); myString:=GetActionList; try list.add(myString); list.SaveToFile(filename); finally list.free; end; End.